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About Denise Sagan
Denise Sagan is a painter working in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Her work has garnered numerous awards, including 2 Best of Show awards in the Artists of Northwest Arkansas Regional Exhibition. Born and raised in central Wisconsin, Denise studied art at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design before finishing her art degree at the University of Arkansas. Her early art career included 19 years as an illustrator and designer for Dayspring Cards and creating several commissioned portraits in colored pencil, earning signature status with the Colored Pencil Society of America.
Since going full-time with her artist career in 2018, Denise has explored different mediums and genres from abstract to representational, renewing her love for painting the human face and figure.
I love to draw and paint! I began creating art as long ago as I can remember. God gave me the ability to see and observe life and then put it on a two-dimensional surface. It is my desire to glorify God by creating visual pictures that make people pause and notice the uniqueness and beauty of His creation.
My subject of choice is most often people who are the image of God. The human face fascinates me because of its ability to show a person’s heart and soul. Each person’s face has its own unique story that I enjoy telling. I also prefer to paint men, women, and children of different backgrounds in a realistic rather than an idealized fashion.
My goal for every painting is to achieve a convincing sense of reality and challenge the constraints of the two-dimensional surface. I give glory to God that I am able to do it and bring joy to people with my work.
About the art
Denise Sagan is a painter working in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Her work has garnered numerous awards, including 2 Best of Show awards in the Artists of Northwest Arkansas Regional Exhibition. Born and raised in central Wisconsin, Denise studied art at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design before finishing her art degree at the University of Arkansas. Her early art career included 19 years as an illustrator and designer for Dayspring Cards and creating several commissioned portraits in colored pencil, earning signature status with the Colored Pencil Society of America.
Since going full-time with her artist career in 2018, Denise has explored different mediums and genres from abstract to representational, renewing her love for painting the human face and figure.
I love to draw and paint! I began creating art as long ago as I can remember. God gave me the ability to see and observe life and then put it on a two-dimensional surface. It is my desire to glorify God by creating visual pictures that make people pause and notice the uniqueness and beauty of His creation.
My subject of choice is most often people who are the image of God. The human face fascinates me because of its ability to show a person’s heart and soul. Each person’s face has its own unique story that I enjoy telling. I also prefer to paint men, women, and children of different backgrounds in a realistic rather than an idealized fashion.
My goal for every painting is to achieve a convincing sense of reality and challenge the constraints of the two-dimensional surface. I give glory to God that I am able to do it and bring joy to people with my work.